Matching Green Cricket Club - Junior Welfare Policies

Matching Green Cricket Club (The Club) is committed to ensuring all Children* participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience.
(*The word “Children” should be taken to mean all persons under the age of 18.)

The Club has adopted and implemented the following:

MGCC Junior-Privacy-Notice.docx

Code of Conduct for Junior Members
When taking part at Matching Green Cricket Club you are expected to pay attention to these rules which form part of the clubs’ code of conduct for junior members.
I WILL respect my team mates, my opponents, the officials and my coach at all times.
I WILL treat all members of the club as I would like to be treated myself.
I WILL be on time so that all sessions and matches can begin promptly.
I WILL follow the coaches instructions when asked to do something and will do my best at all times.
I WILL play safely and be aware of the safety of others.
I WILL stay with my group at all times and not wander off.
I WILL not use bad language.
I WILL not swing a bat unless I am told to do so by my coach and as part of the session or match.
I WILL pay any fees for training or events promptly.
I WILL report any bullying or unkind behavior to my coach or any club coach.
I WILL behave well when representing my club at all times both at the club and at away events.
I WILL play fairly at all times whether I win or lose.
I understand that if at anytime I feel unhappy about anything I am asked to do I can talk to any of the coaches or assistants.
I understand that if I feel that I am being treated unfairly I can discuss it with any of the coaches.
I understand that if I am unsure of anything I am asked to do I will ask my coach to explain it to me.